Symantec - January 6, 2016

Patrick Tyler has worked for Symantec over the last 10 years in various pre-sales and technical leadership roles and currently holds the esteemed position of Distinguished Systems Engineer, which is  reserved for the top 1% of Senior Engineers at Symantec.  In this role, Patrick is dedicated to specializing in Mobility, Authentication, Virtualization, and Endpoint technologies and to work with various Symantec product teams to evolve and enhance products to meet the growing and changing needs of a diverse customer base.  In addition to Symantec, Patrick has had over 25 years of IT experience working for companies such as Sarcom, Novell, Altiris, Symantec, and GE in various architecture, consulting, and leadership roles.  

Current certifications include: BS CIS, MCSE, MCNE, ITIL v3, CISSP, CCSK, CIA, VTSP 5


Security/Hackers' Night - December 2, 2015

December is our annual Hackers' Night.  

Eric Kornau has been putting together something special for you this year.  Details bellow.

Other items of interest for December:

In recognition of the season and nearing the close of the year and start of a new one we usually have a little finer fare than the pizza snack the rest of the year.  You don't have to dress formal for this but it should be fun.

Elections for 2016 CINPA Board Members will be held.  The slate as it stands presently:

Allen Miller - President
(vacant) - Vice President
Kevin Royalty - Development Director
Ron Schuermann - Treasurer
Brad Green - Membership Director
Chad Claussen - Public Relations, Social Media


·         Matt Schuerer will be doing a talk titled:  Surveillance Using Spare Stuff.  This talk focuses on building your own robust surveillance system using items you either already own or may purchase inexpensively. The information presented demonstrates how to build full featured security systems on a shoestring budget. Topics covered include video and audio surveillance, configuring motion detection alarms, monitoring defined hot zones, remote notification and alerting, recording archival, and more. 

·         Brad Stroeh will be presenting Network Access Control (NAC) Attacks and Mitigation.  This talk will focus on the techniques that attackers use to bypass NAC and will offer tips on prevention and detection.

·         Jack Gerbs will be doing a presentation on NIST’s CyberSecurity Framework (CSF) and the use of Security Onion.   Since releasing the Framework in February 2014, NIST has been educating a broad audience about the Framework's use and value. The Framework is being employed across the country, in a host of sectors, and by organizations ranging from multinationals to small businesses.  Recently, NIST has focused its outreach efforts on the international, regulator, and small and medium business (SMB) communities. Jack will explain what the CSF means to you.  He will address the Framework’s emphasis on continuous monitoring and how Security onion can be used to address Framework categories and detect intrusions and anomalies on your network.

·          Eric Kornau will do a short presentation (time permitting) on “Stealing plain-text Passwords from Windows Memory”.  This talk addresses techniques that attackers use to steal Windows Credentials.  Microsoft has issued a patch for Windows 7, 8 2008r2 and 2012 which can mitigate many of the credential theft attacks, but the patch (KB2871997) requires additional configuration via a registry key to be effective.  Security audits show that many admins are unaware of this requirement.    A handout will be provided with step by step instructions for deploying the needed registry entries via group policy.

Recruiter/Career Night - October 7, 2015

An annual favorite topic - IT Recruiter/Career Night

This year we have a stellar panel representing 3 different aspects of career advancement -

1) Bonnie Walthen - Corporate Recruiter for Western & Southern

2) Lisa Slutsky - Career Manager for MAX Train

3) Niccole Brege - Senior National Recruiter for Resolvit

So we've got an in-house recruiter for a large insurance company, an IT career specialist for a technical training company and a recruiter from a local consulting company.

This will be a good opportunity to find out about the IT market and upcoming trends.

1 - Bonnie Walthen
2 - Lisa Slutsky
3 - Niccole Brege

Change of P(l)ace - July 1, 2015 - Dinner Social

This is v4 of the Summer CINPA Social where we change the P(l)ace.  No tech presentation this night - instead we will meet on the second floor of Molly Malone's in Covington.  Please feel free to bring a guest - techie or non-techie.  In the past some have brought a friend, significant other or spouse and some children.  This is an opportunity to show people you know what kind of folks you hang out with when you attend CINPA.

Molly Malone's has a pool table and dart boards on the second floor that we will have access to.

7pm - whatever
Molly Malones'
112 E 4th St
Covington, KY 41011
(859) 491-6659

CINPA will be treating to hors d'oeuvres.  Dinner and drinks are on you.

See you there.

If you really want to plan ahead:

Limited Menu.


Beer Cheese & Pretzels - $6.99 – Two large soft pretzels served with house made Guinness cheese fondue with a zing!


Potato Leek - $2.99 cup / $3.99 bowl – Home style, rich and full of flavor!


Molly’s House Salad - $7.99 Side salad $4.99 – Fresh field greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber julienne, goat cheese and pickled onion.

Classic Caesar - $7.99 Side Caesar $4.99 – Crisp romaine, parmesan cheese and herbed croutons tossed in a Tuscan Add Chicken $3.00


Shepherds Pie - $9.99 – Traditional combination of lamb, beef, vegetables and Demiglace, topped off with piped mashed potatoes

Fish ‘n’ Chips - $10.99 half order $6.99 – Legendary!  A half pound fish fillet with steak fries, served with a side of slaw and our house tarter sauce.

Bangers & Mash - $10.99 – Traditional Irish pork sausages, served on a bed of mash and finished with a savory demi-glace.


Black Bean Burger – A large fine spiced mix of black beans, mushrooms, potato and carrots in a patty served with lettuce and onion on toasted rye. $7.99

Molly’s Beef Burger - $8.95 – The bomb! ½ lb of fresh ground beef, made in house, topped with lettuce, tomato and white cheddar.

Chicken & Country Ham with Brie – $7.99 – Chicken breast topped with grilled ham and brie served on a hoagie roll.

Meeting - June 3, 2015 - Ipsum

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Windows 10 - Brad Sams - May 6, 2015

In the summer of 2015, Microsoft will be releasing Window 10 that introduces several new productivity features and security enhancements. Brad Sams, the managing editor of, will talk in detail about the new desktop OS and how it’s features can be used in your environment. He will also introduce other emerging Microsoft technologies including Spartan, HoloLens and Surface Hub. Brad will be attending BUILD 2015 that takes place the week before this session; he will cover the announcements made at this event and any future implications they may have.

Peak 10 - Cloud Services - April 1, 2015 (not kidding)

(Rescheduled from the March snow cancellation)

Everyone talks about “the cloud” but how is it actually being deployed in the marketplace? Gregg Burke from Peak 10 will share case studies of real customers’ challenges and the mixture of cloud services that met their needs. The presentation will work from the high-level business strategy down to the details of the solution. These clients range from $1 million in revenue to over $100 million with 10 -500 employees. The narratives from these customer scenarios will help you assess if your business and/or clients could benefit from a Peak 10 service offering. 

Storage Craft - DISASTER RECOVERY - February 4, 2015

As we head into 2015, now is a great time to focus on improving processes, productizing services and increasing profits. This fun and informative presentation will show you how a true disaster recovery solution can take an organization from having a backup of its data, to having quick recoverability of its systems availability. We will explore the evolution of backup systems, and demonstrate how you can bring you peace of mind and sanity with a “Recover-Ability” solution. See a live demonstration and how you can reduce both your recovery point objective and your recovery time objective with one system. 

Storage Craft Presentation Slides

Learning Objective: You will learn how to better protect your IT server and key workstation infrastructure by deploying an image based backup solution. You will be able to quickly recover data in seconds or service availability through virtualization of entire servers and systems in minutes.

10 attendees will receive a FREE license of ShadowProtect Desktop Edition - a $99 value!

Mark Crall is a veteran IT executive with 16 years of experience in the computer, software and services industry.  From running his own successful IT Services company, to managing the business development and channel community programs for a large SaaS company.  Mark has been recognized as one of the top 150 most influential people in IT SMB by, and honored as one of CRN Magazine’s Channel Chiefs.  He has served on advisory boards, executive counsels and subject matter expert teams for companies like GFI, Microsoft and CompTIA.  He has also been tapped as both an expert panelists and keynote speaker at scores of live and broadcast industry events.

PowerShell - January 7, 2015 - From Beginner to Infinity & Beyond!

Mike Robbins, Microsoft Powershell MVP and Leader of the Mississippi PowerShell User Group

Want to Get-Started with PowerShell but have no idea how to figure out what the commands are? Or maybe you’re already somewhat familiar with PowerShell but want to learn more? During this presentation, PowerShell MVP and Scripting Games winner Mike F Robbins will start out by demonstrating the entry level basics of PowerShell that will teach you how to figure out what PowerShell commands exist as well as how to use those commands. We’ll discuss and demonstrate the pipeline, remoting, one-liners, scripts, and functions, all while using industry standard best practices. Did you know that some of the PowerShell best practices differ depending on whether you’re writing one-liners versus scripts and functions? We’ll also cover how to extend PowerShell so that you can manage Active Directory, Exchange Server, and SQL Server and briefly demonstrate a real world scenario that includes all of those products. Fair Warning: This is a demonstration heavy presentation!


Slides referenced in recording HERE
Script referenced in recording HERE

Mike F Robbins is a Senior Systems Engineer with over 20 years of professional experience as an IT Pro. During his career, Mike has provided enterprise computing solutions for educational, financial, healthcare, and manufacturing customers. He’s a PowerShell MVP and self-proclaimed PowerShell evangelist who uses PowerShell on a daily basis to administer and manage Windows Server, Hyper-V, SQL Server, Active Directory, Exchange, IIS, SharePoint, Terminal Services, EqualLogic Storage Area Networks, AppAssure, and Backup Exec. Mike is the co-author of Windows PowerShell TFM 4th Edition and is a contributing author of a chapter in the PowerShell Deep Dives book. He has written guest blog articles for the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog,, and PowerShell Magazine. Mike is the winner of the advanced category in the 2013 PowerShell Scripting Games. He is the leader and co-founder of the Mississippi PowerShell User Group. Mike is also a frequent speaker at PowerShell and SQL Saturday technology events. He blogs at and can be found on twitter @mikefrobbins.


Hackers' Night - December 3, 2014

An annual favorite.  Hackers' Night.  Our very own Eric Kornau is presenting.

We are going to concentrate on incident response and what tools and equipment a defender or service provider should have in preparation.

Tonight’s Hacker Defender night will be concentrating on recognizing cyberattack methods and the techniques and tools to minimize damage.  We’ll also look at some free and low cost tools that should be in every sysadmin’s toolkit.  

November 5, 2014 - CRM

Best Practices In Using CRM and ERP Solutions in the Mid-Market  

Kevin Martin, CPA, CITP, MCSE of Martin & Assoc. brings his 30+ years’ experience to discuss solutions from Sage, Microsoft, Intacct, Acumatica and Adaptive Insights.  Get an understanding of the pain points that your clients might have that M&A can solve with you and your client.  

M&A is getting ready to celebrate our 26th year.  Our staff of 20+ consultants are based in Cincinnnati, and serve Dayton, Greater Cincinnati area.  See you November 5, to share pizza and experience.