CINPA Mtg - June 5, 2024 - External Device Boot for Raspberry Pi
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From our speaker - Klaus Grismayer
"Various ways to do an external device boot for Raspberry Pi 4B and 5B". This will be a series of live demos with an oral explanation of what I have set up. No slides and no files of notes will be given for this live presentation, but there will be plenty of Q & A throughout the demonstrations, so be prepared to take any notes of anything that you might find useful for your purposes. Anyone just interested in or currently using a Raspberry Pi SBC (Single Board Computer) should find this presentation of value. At the very least, you will be made aware of the different ways to boot to a select set of different operating systems that are currently available for the Raspberry Pi during this demo. Before you can make the best decisions for your specific needs, you need to know some of the many options that you have available to you today and where you can look for more.