December 3rd Meeting

Presentation:  System Security and Freeware Forensic Tools – Eric Kornau will be presenting the latest information and Techniques being taught by Homeland Security.

Please Use the Click to Attend link below. We are using this ONLY as a tool to manage headcount and the food order.

Election Time!

All members are allowed to vote and nominate candidates for the positions listed below.

President - Kevin Royalty

Vice-President and Event Coordinator - Jack Broughton    

Secretary -

Treasurer - Ron Schuermann

Membership Director - David Greensfelder

Lab and Media Coordinator –

Security Director - Allen Miller

Public Relations - Wendy O'Neal

Legal Counsel - Mike Carr

Humor Director -  

Webmaster - Allen Miller

Education Committee

W. Graham Irwin

Denise Bartick

William Jenkins

Tim O'Connor